Your essential moving house guide

We have curated a simple guide for when you decide to move to a new house, it is a day that can be both exhilarating and daunting.


·       Create a checklist

A checklist will aid you in remembering details that you might forget, whether it’s vetting moving companies or keeping track of your inventory, creating a checklist (that you will remember to look at) will hopefully help you keep the process smooth and organised. You could even create a checklist in the order of priority. When contacting moving companies make sure you read the fine prints, obtain quotes, find out every single cost involved and whether they provide insurance.


·       Bills, Bills, Bills

The last thing you need is realizing after a couple of months that you forgot to cancel all your bills for your former home. Make sure you let the necessary companies know that you have moved or that you are moving on a set date, maybe they would be able to cancel it on the day of the move. This part could easily be forgotten so maybe put a sticky note in plain sight.


·       The boxes and inventory

Moving companies sometimes provide their clients with boxes, if not maybe have a look at your local supermarket for spare boxes that they probably wouldn’t make use of again, or you could have a look at amazon, while you are at it, purchase markers so that you can label each box, and purchase bubble wrap as well for your fragile items.


If you have some spare time, it might be good to create an inventory of everything that is going to the new home, you could do this on an excel sheet as it might be easier to organise this way. Hopefully by now you would have decided which items to get rid of, if you have not decided yet then maybe put items that you are not so sure about in a separate box.


·       Give your kids the day off

There can be a lot of rush or a lot of delays on the moving day, both of which can be really draining, especially If you are still doing last minute packing or you have to wake up early to make sure everything is ready. You will feel the burn and your kids probably will too. Have someone babysit, a family-member or a close friend could always be a good idea so that your kids do not get sucked into the stress from moving.


·       H2o-to-go

Stay hydrated. You might forget to eat but do not forget to drink water, an ugly headache could creep around the corner if you do not keep hydrated during all the rush.


One of most essential moving guides is a support system, do not push yourself to do everything on your own, do not be afraid to ask for help. That is always why it is essential to have a moving company that will facilitate the process for you.



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