Moving to a new house is not stressful – it is communication that is the problem!
When you hear the phrase “Communication is key!” do not take it lightly, because it really is. Communication is key in every situation, and especially the key to your new house.
When we fail to communicate small things then how will we be able to communicate the big things, the elephant in the room that keeps on getting bigger with the silence. Imagine moving into a house you did not want to move into all because you did not communicate what you really wanted, or you failed to communicate with the people that could have ultimately made your experience better just by them being there for you.
Communicate when you plan to move, give an estimate of the TIME-FRAME to get everything FINALIZED so that you do not have to run after anyone at any point during the moving process. This would ultimately save you a lot of stress in the long run because communication would have set the expectations clear. Once you communicate with all the parties, start ORGANIZING the small details, start gathering boxes to pack your small items, and communicate with the moving company so that they are always in the loop of the process. If anything happens that they should be aware of then it is best to communicate that sooner rather than later.
When we fail to communicate during the process of a house move, we allow all the negativity in, such as stress, anxiety, fatigue, restlessness, emotional out-bursts, and the list could go on. When you do not communicate with your partner about your emotions regarding moving to a new house or the house that your partner thinks you are also onboard with, it will later cause conflict, why go ahead with something that will only make you even more miserable? We cannot always assume that people will know how we feel.
Let us say both you and your partner are on the same page regarding moving but you have not made a moving kit so now you are both all over the place with no definite to-do-list assigned to each person, communicate what will be put on the list and who will complete each task, this will save you a lot of time as well.
When moving with kids, safety and accessibility is important, if you are moving to an area that you are not too sure about, do not wait until the last minute to speak up on your concerns or possibility wait until something happens for you to safe “If only I knew” you do know, and you should communicate your concerns with your realtor, your partner and/or anyone else that will be assisting you with this moving process. You will have that constant feeling so unease if you proceed with purchasing a home in an area that you were not too keen about to begin with.
If you are moving to an apartment then definitely analyse whether that building is child-friendly, what is the play area like, how is the security in that building.